perm filename TOM[RDG,DBL]1 blob sn#587750 filedate 1981-05-15 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Mailed to TOM 21-Nov 11:16
C00009 00003	Mailed to TOM 1-Dec 11:58
C00015 00004	∂30-Jan-81  1146	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	serious question
C00020 00005	Mailed to TOM@SCI 14:40 19-Feb
C00021 00006	∂To TOM, SUE 14:00 24-II
C00025 00007	∂Mailed to TOM at SCI  13:25 10-March
C00026 00008	∂23-Mar-81  1406	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	whatever   
C00029 00009	∂Mailed to TOM@SCI 27-Apr 16:27
C00030 00010	∂05-May-81  1458	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	dark, deep musings   
C00033 ENDMK
Mailed to TOM 21-Nov 11:16
Tom - 
There's a stereo liquidation sale taking place at Rickie's Hyatt House
tomorrow, from 9AM - 4PM.  Interested in joining me there?
[According to advertisement in Stanford's paper, most seem car stuff --
but there are also speakers, etc.]

By the way, how are things there?

∂21-Nov-80  1151	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	SALE  
Date: Friday, 21 November 1980  11:48-PST
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
cc: tom at SCI-ICS
Subject: SALE

ok, lets go early. i may even go folk dancing tonight, for as long as
i can stand the gaiety.
gloom and doom

∂Mailed to TTP 11:53 21-Nov
See you then
Ok - I'll be going to Patience first (with a Sunday-night dancer named Sharon.)
Womb and tomb

∂Mailed to TTP 12:51 24-Nov
Well, after only a day and a half I managed to install that stereo in my
car.  I needed to get some connectors, which took up an hour or two;
and then had to learn to observe that the upper left hand wire was not
always "red" for power; (as it had been in other other cassette player)
and various other things.  At any event, it now seems to work - with only one
problem: the balance knob goes (NOT from right to left speaker, but) from
both speaker on one extreme, to a click-click-click sound on the other.
Any theories?

You might be interested to know that there is a Sanyo cassette player, which
looks just like my Majestic, which costs (are you ready for this) $89.
And I'll be that system works... A fool and his money...
Oh well.

How're things at SCI?  All set for the big Turkey? 
(God, I'm starting to sound like Klein, aren't I? [Shouldn't it be "amn't I"?])

Next Thursday, (a week from Thanksgiving) Tversky will be giving
the Sigma Xi, talking about Cognitive this and thats.  Warn Susan the
word "heuristic" appeared in the abstract -- and "epistemology" can't be 
far behind.

∂24-Nov-80  1444	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	Salutations     
cc: tom at SCI-ICS

who is tversky? i'm supposed to warn susan (you mean susan a. is
suppose about what?] i tried to forward it to sue a., but i couldnt
figure out which part of it to send her. (where is he going to be?)
remember to invite ben to dan's surprise party dec5. i'm supposed to
go to a "how to start yer own business" event at ieee somewhere tues
night, but i wanted to go to a rare modern music recital. rats,
business before pleasure? 
i seem to remember you saying that anyone who stood in line that long
would buy something.  it doesn't seem to be enough to emit that verbal
behavior to actually behave that way. it wasn't actually that
predictable that the cassette thing doesn't work.  sue a. had problem
with her balance control also, but that was on a blaupunkt.  I'm
trying to imagine an interpolation between click-click-click and equal
for both speakers. what's half way inbetween? .5 click and 1.5
speakervolume? sounds like modern music.  i was thinking i should have
gotten that cassette thing because it was stereo, while portables are
mono. maybe not.  you "do" "have" "a" "guarantee" "on" it. 
we never did look at all that stereo rubbish that ended up at my house
anyway when we finally got to the head of the line. hmphf. 

∂Mailed to TOM@SCI 15:46 24-Nov
Dis and dat
Tversky is a big wig psy prof here, who(m) I've associated with
statistcal modelling  of this and that.  
I'll "XEROX" a copy of the announcement for you'se guys, if you like.

But Dec5 is the Messiah thing! Oh well... (am I invited, by the way?)
You're "supposed" to go to a meeting - what external force is pushing?

As to the purchase - well, how could I have been more discriminary, given
that I couldn't hear the device, or even see this particular item.
I didn't lose money -- I just didn't win anything either...

As to the guarantee - first I have to contact LA, then send "only $20",
then ...

I started to think I should move to San Jose -- everyone I've met dancing
of late has lived in that region.  Where are all the Stanford students?


∂Mailed to TOM@SCI 15:48 24-Nov
One more thing
Grand Auto, in Redwood City, is selling auto cassette player demos (about
3 months old) at 30% off.
Mailed to TOM 1-Dec 11:58
Mixed Selection
	Meaningless drivvel:
How goes it?  How was your gobbler? and Susan, et al.?
	Real Messages:
(1)  The Rubik Cube (that 3x3x3 thing which can rotate
any fact) is now for sale at Best's - I even saw it advertised on
TV!  (Something like $7.)
(2) The talk is this Thursday, at Skilling Center, @ 8:30 PM. Come one, come
(3a) When would you like to commandeer the obsoleted auto cassette
player/radio combo?  They await your arrival.
(3b) What was the spray you recommended for my current low-fi system?  (To make
better contacts, or something like that...)
(4) The Shakespeare thing in Berkeley last Saturday was nice.
(5) Are you going to the Early Music Singer's thing this Friday night?

Elizabeth is back. Fay sent me a letter - she's coming to LA next month
some time.  I've made yet another contact with a SJ person... Amazing...
Any new tape-loop news?
According to a recent telegram Asia is coming after all... I'll ask Ben
for confirmation when he returns from LA.


∂Mailed to TOM@SCI  15:? 18-Dec
Welcome back!  Did you get the msgs I've been sending over the course of
the last n time-units?  How does it feel to remove your thinking caps?
(Sorry - I've been conversing with Klein too much lately.  He says `hi',
by the way.)
When did you plan to trek southward? ... and return?  A recent complication
has occured: I might spend a day at Rand while in that area, which would
force me to be there on a working-day.

Susie called me Tuesday morning - worried that you and/or Norm might be
reporters, ready to cost Susie her job by repeating her confident remarks.
I assured her we'd ask before quoting her...   She went on to talk about
(1) her ongoing dissatisfaction with Vince, and (2) amusing annecdotes amount

When does Jorge want to convey his view of the world?

∂18-Dec-80  1522	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	Greetings  
Date: Thursday, 18 December 1980  14:56-PST
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
cc: tom at SCI-ICS
Subject: Greetings

i'd like to trek southwards dec 25, thurs, thru sun eve. anything
close to one of those dates would be appreciated.

ill keep susz in confidence.  vince was uncommunicative enuf. you'll
have to ask jorge himself (jp @su-ai) because hes not responding much
to anything here.

whenz yer recorder session?

∂Mailed to TOM@SCI 16:36 19-Dec
Current plans:
Trekking up (well, down; you know what I mean) to LA Tuesday day; staying
in the RAND area that night, in time to meet with R H-R at 9:30 AM Wednesday.
The return trip will probably occur Saturday or Sunday (or maybe Monday, or ...)

Another issue:  Dave Smith & I have assembled a small class
InterLisp niceties --
ie hacks which someone thinks will be generally useful.  (For example, a
USERMACRO which evaluates the current expression, the sticks that into the editor
for subsequent perusal; or a function like SUBSET, but which returns the VALUE
of applying the function to each arg, when that value is nonNIL, rather than
that argument.)  Us IL users should band together in writing and documenting
these simple but universally useful facilities - to avoid the current endless
duplication of effort.
Steve Klein also thinks this would be useful - how do you'se SCI folks think?


∂Mailed to TOM@SCI 12:08 22-Dec
One more thing
Many of the Psy Dept's colloquia for next term look interesting.
I xeroxed a copy for you - just remind me...
∂30-Jan-81  1146	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	serious question
Date: Friday, 30 January 1981  11:40-PST
CC: RDG at su-ai
Subject: serious question

Q: Is man a finite state machine?

R: What's the context? I'm sensitive about these things y'know. And what
about women? Are they finite with a little non-determinism thrown in
for spice? Actually, according to the Declaration of Independence, all
men are created Turing Equivalent, under law at least.

∂03-Feb-81  0932	SUE at SCI-ICS 	Q: Are humans finite state machines?   
Date: 3 February 1981  09:27-PST (Tuesday)
From: SUE at SCI-ICS
To: tom at SCI-ICS
cc: SUE at SCI-ICS, rdg at sail
Subject: Q: Are humans finite state machines?

Didn't mean to upset you.  My friend Shafi was telling me that she
wants to show that robots are finite state machines as part of her
thesis and that got me thinking about the human race in general.


∂Mailed to SUE, TOM @SCI  12:19  3-Feb
Rambling on and on.
Huh - you guys are beginning to rival Steve Klein for out-and-out obscurity!
Tom: I've some misc junk for you - like (p)reviews of that dance performance.
Sue: How're things going?  Also, is the Roy who sent you those disgusting
jokes a while back also from CMU? Is he Roy Maxion? [Just curious.]
Back to the plot:

Turing Equivalent, you realize, implies access to an arbitrarily long tape --
ie infinite storage capability.  Sorry to disappoint you, but our brains only
got a finite number of atoms - and hence are NECESSARILY finite.
Of course, this presupposes that our "aestetic" mind is in some obvious one-to-one
correspondence with our physical brain, which does seem a reasonable,
if intrinsically unprovable, thesis.
[Fodor's article on the mind-body problem, in Jan 81's Sci. Am., discussing
this sort of problem from a philospher's point of view.]

Speaking of philo, did either of you see Gadamer's talk last Thursday?  I just
found out about it yesterday (although it wouldn't have made any difference --
I've been flat on my back for the last solid week with a combination fever and 
excruciating mouth scores.)

Final point: The Stanford Computer Forum is this Thurs & Fri.
If Cordell can smuggle you in, you might enjoy meandering over
and finding out just what's going on hereabouts.

(Note absence of OXen.  No tic-tac-toe game here! Strickly on the up-and-up!)

∂03-Feb-81  1304	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	Serious Question.    
Date: Tuesday, 3 February 1981  12:44-PST
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
CC: sue at SCI-ICS
Subject: Serious Question.

Can osculation cause mouth sores?
Also, If the human race can be modeled by a machine, then is there a
diophantine equation that cannot be decided? Or in fact by any race,
terrestrial or otherwise? So much for those superintelligent beings
out there.  The wise person knows his limits?  Was this a moral of the
story of Faustus, who couldn't live with unknowability?

Mailed to TOM@SCI 14:40 19-Feb
Morbidity, Con't.
Tom  -
	You'll be relieved/elated/saddened to know it is NEVER in C's best
interest to shout himself.  Using MacSyma, MRG & I found that
for all values of p = prob that C's aim is good, 
P(C wins | C shoots himself) ≤ P(C wins | C shoots A), P(C wins | C shoots B)

[where the symbol "≤" is "is less than or equal to", for those of you lacking
sufficiently fancy terminals]

So the answer is, once again, up in the air.
∂To TOM, SUE 14:00 24-II
Reign Bough
I don't know if you'll be able to see it or not, but there's a rainbow
outside right now.  (I saw it facing toward El Camino, from Margaret Jacks.)

∂24-Feb-81  1431	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	Reign Bough     
Date: Tuesday, 24 February 1981  14:23-PST
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
cc: sue at SCI-ICS
Subject: Reign Bough   

you're quite insane.  turn yourself in to the nearest reprogramming center.

	???    S ?????????????????      Last logout 02/22/81 19:13:12  Plan:
   My lovelife is in a transition phase: the next two weeks will tell.
   Already because of someone who has recently become my friend, the
   tachycardia I've been suffering for years has stopped for several
   days (since about Feb. 17), today (Feb. 22) I can enjoy music for
   the first time in years, and I am on the verge of being capable of
   freestyle dancing (rock'n roll, jig, disco-stomp) for the first time
   in my life.  It is posible that sometime in the next few days I will
   announce that I am happy for the first time since three days in 1966,
   and maybe even things will stop being unreal for the first time since
   1965 except for a minute in 1969.
   Stay tuned to this channel for further bulletins.

∂To TOM, SUE 14:41 24-II
Did you see your friend's namesake, by the way?

Don't tell me -- this is REM's PLaN file.  I saw some of his XGP output yesterday,
excerpts from this diary describing how he fingered this
soon-to-be love-of-his-life, [hyphens and dorky phrases mine. The author]
then linked to her, then spoke with her on the phone, then ... 
[decency bade me stop reading at this point].

At the time this poor thing had just broken a fever of 106, and was, as you
might guess, uncertain how much longer she would live.  So it was dramatic.

So what brought this on, anyway?

Rejoice - the MRS is just-about, prit-near, within-an-vanishingly-small-epsilon,
... being done. Stay tune for the next announcement - of the delta associated
with the above mentione d epsilon.
∂Mailed to TOM at SCI  13:25 10-March
... and you were about to give up ...
Tom -
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!  The MRS manual has gone to press, errors and
all.  All 35 pages will be mailed to you when it becomes available.

By the way, I've still shitloads of stuff to give you. When do you want
to get together? (Will you be a David Jaffe's concert tomorrow night?)


∂10-Mar-81  1427	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	... and you were about to give up ...    

see you tomorrow night. saw mon oncle d'amerique. all that you said
people were saying was applicable.
thanks for mrs.

∂23-Mar-81  1406	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	whatever   

there's no rainbow outside.  tomorrow the moon will be at apogee.
thursday saturn and jupiter will be at opposition. to what, i didn't
ask. if you talk with elizabeth before i do, ask for four (4) tickets
for friday night. how is/was rand.

∂Mailed to TOM@SCI 12:57 24-Mar
That's nice.
I did talk with Elizabeth before you did, but, unfortunately, before i read
your message. Ergo I didn't ask for the tickets.  You do realize the first
violist wimped out, and so SJ will be performing a long Mahler thing instead,
yes? (What a strange sentence construction, don't you think?)  Are you bringing
three members of your harem?

Rand was OK. The new topic is a Silicon Pencil -- to be described, on demand,
face to face (if desired).  Anyway they'll pay for trips to parts south,
and a bit more besides.  I'll soon decide whether or not I've the time to commit
to their project.

Other areas - Bonnie will be meandering here 10-12 April, for a conference in
SF's Hyatt Regency.  Would you like to get together thenabouts (or perhaps
thereafter, if she and her co-riders decide to stay around a bit)?
Mark your calendar if interested.

I didn't get a chance to yak with Steve Klein this trek.  I found my visit
with Fay, and with my family, too draining.  Anyway, so what did you do the
last few days?


∂30-Mar-81  1629	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	can you come over to eat dinner tuesday? 

can you come over to eat dinner tuesday?
buy the weigh, can you come over to eat dinner tuesday?

repondez par telephoner

∂Mailed to TOM@SCI 27-Apr 16:27
Yak, yak, yak
Tom -
	I just spoke with Elizabeth; she asked me to ask you to call her.
(I know, I know: why doesn't she just call you?  I'll never understand that gender...)
(I know, I know: why didn't I just call you?  I'll never understand that ...)

Anyway, are you going to drop by after your movies?  I've still some junk
for you: cassettes (these are for you to keep, by the way -- NOT to get
filled up and returned, as I jokingly said yesterday...), articles, movie
previews, and the like.

When does Sue meander this way?  Have she & Steve purchased their dream house
∂05-May-81  1458	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	dark, deep musings   
Date: Tuesday, 5 May 1981  14:49-PDT
To: rdg at su-ai
Subject: dark, deep musings

How much of a person's personality is what they know (what books
they've read, music they've heard) or how they think (analytical,
empirical, impressive, intuitive, none of the above) versus how they
act with other people (whether they are considerate, insensitive,
supportive); in other words, is it mere coincidence that one has
stimulating discussions, and that other things, that I mistakenly
deem less significant, are actually overpoweringly important in
day-to-day life, facets which are not learned in a year by taking a
course, but are inherent to a personality, developed over a
person's lifetime.


∂Mailed to TOM 17:27 5-May
That is dark, deep and all like that!
Or maybe "WHAT?" would be a better response...
Is this in reference to some action, or inaction, on someone
(or something's) part?
Give me a call -- I'd hate to find the ARPAnet wires fried by
this heavy sort of mutterings...

Trivial sorts of new stuff:
1) New Castenada book - "The Eagle's Gift" (yours to borrow,
	once I finish with it.)
2) Sorry to meander out of your wingding so early.  I was basically
	getting frustrated at my inability to communicate in the
	only medium in which I feel comfortable - oral:aural.  The
	noise was just too all-pervasive.  Hope everything worked
	out well, with and without my presence.
    [Re: Elizabeth - As I mentioned, I suspect she came to yak with
	Steve Westfold.  At least that seemed her intend, based on the
	way she concentrated on him while dancing, I had thought, with
3) I'm trekking to parts south this Thursday - any messages?  Will
	return Tuesday - and will contact you then for sure if our paths
	fail to cross before I leave.